Today in the Creeks of OTUOKE 55 Years Ago, the birth of a Great & Outstanding Leader was annunciated. Though, with a little begin and numerous hurdles experienced on the Road to the Zenith, GOODLUCK Azikiwe Jonathan was never deterred by the circumstance around him.
With an extreme determination to fulfil his Destiny of what seem to be unrealistic to many, Dr. Goodluck Jonathan rose from the Son of a Canoe Maker in the Creeks of Otuoke to the Nos 1. Seat of Power.
Before delving into the murky water of Nigeria Politics, Dr. Goodluck JONATHAN scaled through the rigours of Academic Excellence and thus, recorded as the First Elected Nigerian President to have attained such Academic height #PhD

His life has been all about Service to Humanity and this he has done with great
Passion & Dignity, eventhough he was not Born Rich yet he exhibited the Wealth in Consistency & Perseverance through his Works making him a source of admiration for every Nigerian Child. "HOPE 4 NIGERIA"
Hence, His relevance in the Nigerian Polity today deserves appraisal as he defined Transformation through his INITIATIVES & implementation of People's oriented Programs anchored on Health, Infrastructure, Housing, Employment/Youth Empowerment,Transportation, Agriculture/Food Production and above all Sustainable PEACE in the Niger Delta Region.
Mr PRESIDENT, On this Note We wish you a HAPPY & PROSPEROUS BIRTHDAY. We Pray God to grant you more Wisdom to lead Nigeria to the Promised Land...
Barr. Mary Oyibocha-AGBAJOH (PNM)
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